Bodywork helps baby with body awareness and maximizes baby’s access to postural reflexes and natural movement through the nervous system. Drs. Stibbard & Oliver perform body work by using a hands on assessment. They can locate areas of decreased mobility, tightness or restrictions. These areas are gently worked on to help release tissues. Bodywork may be performed while you are holding your baby, nursing, positioned on a pregnancy pillow, on the floor or in the bodyworker’s arms.
A full assessment includes the baby’s whole body including the feet, spine, hips, trunk, head and neck, nervous system and primitive reflexes as well as inside the infant/child’s mouth using a very light touch. Drs. Stibbard & Oliver will also look at the baby’s suck reflex, function of their tongue and oral motor skills, neurological function, developmental stages and tummy time skills. When it comes to breastfeeding, the whole body plays a part (not just the tongue and jaw).
Dr. Stibbard is specifically trained in the Pediatric Intraoral Palate Specific Technique and has taken external courses in order to provide the best health care to her little patients.
Some improvements you may notice:
Increased tongue movements and jaw opening
Increased head and neck turning to both sides
Calm and more relaxed appearance, less tense, more interactive
Better and more restful sleep
Improved gastrointestinal function (easier passing gas and stools, less reflux like symptoms)
Improved latch and breastfeeding abilities
Retained Primitive Reflexes
Retained primitive reflexes can be present at any age and, although we learn to accommodate, it does not mean that we are functioning the best we can. Primitive Reflexes are the first part of the brain to develop. These reflexes usually integrate (or disappear) as we progress through different stages and experiences of growth and development.
Retained primitive reflexes can potentially lead to developmental delays. The persistence of primitive reflexes contribute to issues such as coordination, balance, sensory perceptions, fine motor skills, sleep, immunity, energy levels, impulse control, concentration and all levels of social, emotional, and academic learning. Dr. Stibbard is able to check for these retained primitive reflexes and give exercises at home to complete to help them integrate.